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I research, teach, and practice design-driven problem solving across a range of sensitive and constrained contexts. Contemporary design-thinking includes policies, strategies, services, systems, and products. This means that I:

  • research complex issues and systems to develop insights;

  • understand stakeholder needs;

  • frame and re-frame project aims;

  • make strategic judgements based on evidence;

  • articulate proposals with traceable rationale;

  • ensure regulatory compliance;

  • collaborate with and translate between between disciplines and stakeholders with divergent goals and disparate technical languages;

  • develop and implement quality management procedures, processes, and documentation;

  • design, co-ordinate, lecture, and tutor for university courses and professional training workshops;

  • and confidently disseminate multifaceted findings across diverse audiences from discrete specialities.


I contribute to the problem-finding and problem-solving aspects of the design and development process. Over the last 15 years, I have delivered tailored outputs that meet the demands of clients, collaborators, colleagues, and students across scenarios that include:

  • designing cranio-maxillofacial implants;

  • developing an ISO 13485 quality management system;

  • providing in-hospital design consultancy;

  • developing new user-centred design techniques for artificial hearts;

  • evaluating design strategy in medical device start-ups;

  • and developing and teaching university courses about designing better experiences.


Please contact me to discuss new opportunities.